Laminair Flow Panel
Creating an Ideal Drying Environment
The horizontal laminar flow panels provide the performance necessary for critical drying of the capsules in the final drying room by supplying even, horizontal air flow in one direction. This is achieved by placing capsules on final drying trays which are stacked on dollies. Two sides of the trays are open to ensure one direction, horizontal air flow.
- Even, horizontal air flow in one direction
- Guaranteed even flow over entire surface of panel
- HEPA Filters
- Built-in blowers take conditioned air into final drying room and laminar panels distribute air
- Capsules placed on final drying trays and stacked on dollies. Two sides of trays are open to insure one direction, horizontal air flow.
- Lint free paper as first positive inspection step
- Room environment - very low RH and above ambient temperature