Dehumidification System
Reliable, Efficient Humidity Control
The Kathabar dehumidifier is a complete unit incorporating conditioner, regenerator, matching heat exchangers, piping and wiring. The Kathabar unit includes a microprocessor controller with built-in diagnostics to improve equipment reliability and facilitate maintenance. The Kathabar dehumidifier reliably delivers precise humidity and temperature at all times, regardless of air inlet conditions, with no need for face and bypass dampers or complex controls.
- The most energy efficient desiccant dehumidifier available - economical to operate.
- Simple temperature control yields reliable humidity control.
- Design simplicity - no precool or after cool coils needed, no need for face and by-pass dampers.
- Kathene desiccant solution removes and kills 94% of all bacteria, viruses and molds.
- Eliminates wet cooling coils - a known breeding site for microorganisms.
- Very long equipment life - corrosion proof materials throughout - no corrosion inhibitors needed.
- Non-toxic, non-vaporizing liquid desiccant is easily accessible, has longer life and lower replacement cost than dry desiccant wheels.